Thursday, 27 October 2016

3 External Factors That Can Affect Amazon / eBay Selling Negatively

More often than not, it is only the sellers and the sellers themselves who need to shoulder responsibility for poor performance in Amazon or eBay or any other e commerce marketplaces per se. However, there are times, when performance in terms of sale, visibility and profits does witness a steady decline for reasons that are way beyond the scope of the sellers to being into effect. Here are 3 such external factors that have wreaked havoc in e commerce selling for which the sellers cannot be held accountable…

  • Turbulence in the economy – Turbulence in the economy like the one that was faced only a few years ago, can cause prospective buyers to lose their purchase power. If this happens, sellers in ecommerce marketplaces or any marketplace for that matter can lose their sale by the millions if not disappear temporarily from the platform. No Amazon eBay management software can address loss in sale caused by economic upheaval in the nation / world.
  • Unexpected problems faced by wholesale source – Wholesale sources play a very important role in eBay Amazon selling, especially for resellers and retailers. Basically, the retailers and resellers get their stock from a wholesale source at reasonable prices, which they list and sell for optimum profits. However, wholesalers are independent bodies and may face their own crisis for reasons in which the concerned sellers have no control at all.
If the former cannot supply to the latter, the latter will have to remain out of stock for an indefinite period of time which can contribute to losing their listing or ranking in the marketplace.
  • Sudden shift in marketplace policies – This has been one of the primary reasons why many top performing eBay sellers have lost their positions in the marketplace. The Cassini rollout had lead to a havoc that only a few sellers have survived without significant damages. Sellers usually have no say or control on marketplace policy changes which make them only a victim to the sudden surprising shifts. 

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