It does not matter if you cry or crib about the constantly changing costs associated with maintaining presence in Google Shopping. The fact that this is the only comparison shopping platform that can bring you life changing traffic cannot be ignored. Millions of unique visitors with billions worth of sale produced every year and growing is not a fact to be taken lightly. E commerce merchants who wish to enhance their discoverability within the shortest possible time (and yes this means ‘weeks’), there is no better way to achieve this otherwise herculean goal than establish presence in this platform of opportunities.
Being one of the first comparison shopping platforms, Google Shopping has earned the label of innovation almost instantly. There is a charm to this number one platform that competitors today, may not be in the position to challenge in the near of far future. However, over a period of time, this Mammoth comparison site has been in the receiving end of infinite attacks for introducing expense based updates. The introduction of paid product listing has been one of the many changes that was vehemently criticized by the majority of merchants especially the smaller ones. Competitors who have been vying for the top spot were also seen to use this opportunity to divert the attention of as many sellers as possible from Google Shopping.
Besides this, the matter of integrating shopping carts with this platform has also been a pain in the neck for many sellers. Even top shopping carts like
Bigcommerce Google Shopping syncing appeared to involve more expertise and expenses than expected. Certain motivated shopping cart solutions like Volusion took very little time to develop inbuilt tools and solution systems to aid the process of hassle-free
Volusion Google Shopping integration for thoroughly improved performance. Many among the rest are still in the trial and error phase. Be as it may to the sellers, Google Shopping has maintained it charm before an ever growing ocean of purchase motivated buyers who are looking forward to winning the best deal. This is more than a reason good enough to motivate sellers to push their best efforts in this platform.
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