Wednesday, 16 May 2018

When Not To Blame Your Seller Softwares For Unachieved Goals

It is very common to blame ecommerce seller support softwares when they don’t live up to expected standards. Shooting powerfully worded reviews and de-motivating other sellers to approach these softwares / tools follows just as easily. However, if you come to think of it in logical perspective, more often than not, it is not the fault of the software or the providers at all.

Following are a few such circumstances when sellers have blamed softwares for things going wrong with their ecommerce endeavors, but should have instead, raised questions on their approach to the solutions in the first place…

You have blindly chosen incompatible softwares –

Be it eBay Amazon software or softwares for any other marketplace for that matter, if you have not been careful enough to determine the compatibility of the solution with your operative system, you should not blame the same if it does not perform with optimal efficiency.

You did not check its feature list meticulously before purchasing / installing –

All softwares don’t come with all features which makes it imperative to determine the complete feature list before buying the same. Many sellers have been seen expressing that ‘they thought’ the softwares offered such and such features. In such cases, it is your imagination and carelessness that has to be blamed.

The providers were not dependable enough –

If you have approached a shady provider for the sake of availing the best of features at scratch level costs, there is every reason to expect your software to malfunction. Best of softwares or plug-ins like Shopify plug-in, Bigcommerce plug-in etc. never come at dirt cheap prices. And if they do, it strictly raises questions on the authenticity of the providers.

You have no clue how to use it –

Improper usage including faulty installation and integrations are common with newer and less experienced sellers. This is also the lot that has minimal knowledge about identifying possible mistakes and end up blaming the software for no apparent reason.

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